Ithmid is a black kohl derived from Galena (PbS) and contains antimony. Our ithmid is sourced from the Hejaz region of Arabia where it has been used as kohl for thousands of years. There are several ahaadeeth that mention the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) using ithmid kohl and ordering others to do so.
Ibn ‘Abbaas Radiyallahu ‘Anhu reports that Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘Alayhi Wasallam had a container for keeping ithmid kohl from which he would apply kuhl to the eyes three times every night before sleeping. He also said that kohl brightens the eyesight and strengthens and increases the growth of the eyelashes.
Scientific studies have shown that kohl can help to prevent vision related problems such as cataracts and eye strain. This is because it improves the eye’s blood flow which is a known factor in preventing such issues. It also contains nitric oxide which helps to dilatate the blood vessels in the eye. The increased blood flow reduces the pressure in the eye and helps with the function of the muscles. This is a similar function to the way exercise is a prophylactic against muscle degeneration by improving the blood flow in the body.
Another benefit of kohl is that it can treat various eye diseases such as redness and conjunctivitis, and can prevent internal bleeding from the eyes. It can also be used as a solution for the eyelashes to make them longer and thicker. In addition to this it can be used as an anti-hair loss agent to stimulate the hair follicles and treat nonhereditary baldness.