Avoid picking up bad habits – take a basic kite surfing course Those who fall in harm tend to ignore or are ignorant of the safety guidelines.
Every time you go kite surfing dissolve the chicken loop so you know it works.
Keep in mind to be responsible for yourself and considerate to others. This sport is for responsible people only.
Attach your ropes, just before you get into the water.
After landing, when the dragon is on the ground, put the safety line before the kite’s hedge and take to the far end. Place a weighted objected like sand, stone or heavy object on the kite kit, even you think there is little wind because the wind can change very quickly.
By considering the wind interacting with trees, buildings and rocks you will be much more prepared.
Even when you unconscious the dead man’s safety system will kick in automatically to shut down the power from the kite.Learn how to detach yourself from your kite under all circumstances.
Avoid kite surfing near to any airport.
You must avoid kite surfing in stormy weather conditions.
Kite cords can be cut at anytime you wish. The cutting power of kite lines are extremely dangerous so keep the lines from all body parts. Look for unpopulated areas of water to kitesurf. Find an empty spot on the beech before you take off, away from other people and other kitesurfers.
For safety, make sure spectators are windward.
Keep an eye for an unoccupied part of the beach at all times.
Kitesurfing against the wind from the land as you run towards to the open sea is to be avoided. Having a rescue boat nearby is a good idea. Also, be sure you can handle the difficult situations that may arise, such as a broken leg or kits to breakage.
Please use the life jacket and helmet.
Never use leg harness attached to the board in which this can be very dangerous because it can cause the board hit the back of the head.
Do not ask non-kite surfers for help when you land or take off kits. Be clear about your intentions and talk to people before you help and making clear signs. Make sure it will help you or the people around know how to handle equipment safely and how to behave kits.
Don’t Kite Surf in strong winds if you are a beginner.
As a beginner, you usually spend more time in water, so use because a thicker wetsuit than you would otherwise have chosen.
If possible, choose a harness with handles on the back. This makes it easier to assist each other in difficult situations where the kits have much traction. kite kurzy egypt