1. Continuously save an eye for the sprinter otherwise known as the striker from the rival group who will make a run towards your D-box through left side or right side or even in the center. As a last man of the group, the safeguard need to watch out for the sprinter and never let him get the through pass or a high heaving pass.
2. While protecting, it means a lot to strain and stamp your rival group’s striker. Giving him a lot of room will prompt your rival getting a pass from his partners. Continuously keep a tight tension and blemish on the striker consistently. The term ‘shadow’ signifies to follow him and tension him. *Do not endeavor to take the ball (See underneath focuses). Simply stick to him as a shadow around 1 meter from him. Cause on the off chance that stamping too close to will cause an issue in the event that the rival player figure out how to wander aimlessly or cut you on your side. So excessively close stamping is a no. Excessively far stamping likewise is a no, coz if checking excessively far, that is not a ‘stamping’ as of now.
3. Never under any circumstance go for a tackle with the exception of you are 100 percent sure, that you will get the ball. It’s a Gigantic sin for protector to respond first in light of the fact that the contradicting part can peruse your development and move to the other way of your test/tackle. Continuously expect and trust that the adversary will move, then just you go for the tackle. By doing this, you can work on your tackle and ball taking rate by A Ton!
4. Watch the ball and not the adversary’s body. Continuously watch out for the ball cause you need to handle for the ball and not the player. Body development is frequently utilized by players to give a sham to befuddle safeguards into the way of development. Customarily safeguards get tricked by the spurious moves finished with body and frequently they utilize a phony move to swindle the protector into accepting they are going on one way however goes to another.
5. Never stand straight while safeguarding. This is a significant no. Continuously stand side ways either right or left contingent upon the rival’s development of the ball. Standing straight will cause to defer in pursuing the rival after he has cut passed you. Continuously stand sideways otherwise known as at any point prepared to run back one or the other left of right. And furthermore never under any circumstance let your two legs opened up too large for this will be taken advantage of by rival in giving you a ball-through-between-ya-two-leg @ panna @ ole @ 20cent @ kangkang. Try not to pursue the player with the ball, skirt this by moving in a curve shape by means of d-box line. Assuming that the player is movin in from the side either left or right, don’t follow! Simply move back and cover the d-box point. This will save you time.
6. Situating and expect and carving a pass or through pass otherwise known as Baiting. This is one of the main part just like a Protector. Beside man stamping, situating and expect while baiting is THE Main method and strategy for a protector to take a pass. To begin with, safeguard and to situate himself very far separated from striker or flanker yet not excessively far. Recollect this isn’t man checking! This is Drawing the rival players to have a feeling that their striker/flankers are plain, hence when the pass is played or a through pass is played, your responsibility is to slice in a 45degree point to catch the pass/through pass. To consummate this teasing and tricking procedure calls for investment and practice and furthermore quick development and expectation. Psycho your rival in giving them misleading suspicion and draw them. Speedy feet development and quick body response should be idealized to use this procedure completely.
7. Utilize your goalie as a wellbeing confirmation when you are being constrained. Continuously completely use the goalie assuming that you wind up cornered and all your passing choice are shut.
8. Continuously pass! Try not to attempt to be legend in attempting to spill and cut assuming you are the last man safeguarding. Cause on the off chance that you messed up and the rival group gets the ball, your goalie will revile you to damnation! Also, trailed by a few revile from your kindred colleagues.
9. Try not to apprehensive in get forward! Protectors can constantly go about as flankers and furthermore a holding midfielder. Continuously used a 1-2 play to get yourself forward into the center region quick!
10. Continuously keep and eye to your flank and striker to deliver a pass/through pass early. Whenever is an opportunity where your partners above are plain, immediately discharge the ball to them by means of pass/through pass. Continuously be ready.
Safeguard go about as a “Protector” yet frequently time are likewise the “PLAYMAKER” in the futsal game. By rehearsing passes, safeguard are a group’s playmaker and chance-maker by giving ‘danger balls’ to your flank and your striker. What’s more, more often than not the ball are in your control and each dynamic move are fundamentally in the possession of the players who are nearest to the goalie.