YouTube is a great social networking site. Learning how to build your MLM business using you tube is not as hard as it may sound. Online videos which started like a fad only a few years ago have now assumed the status of a valuable marketing resource. Many are of the view that this channel of marketing communication is set to become even more popular, as more marketers discover new ways to reach their prospects with short videos. So this marketing strategy is here to stay. And so is YouTube-undoubtedly the most popular video site at the moment.
YouTube is not only the premier video website, accounting for over 60% of all online videos, it is also one of the most dominant websites on the internet itself, ranked no. 4 by InformiTV reports that every minute of every hour, 13 hours of videos are uploaded unto YouTube. A search in April 2009 returned over 80 million videos on YouTube! Literally millions of people visit YouTube everyday for education, entertainment, and research purposes.
If you are a network marketing lion, you must smell blood here! YouTube presents you an opportunity to grow your MLM. The sheer number of people visiting this site means that this is a great avenue to increase your lead generation. After all, in MLM we go to wherever people may be found, the more the merrier, isn’t it? The logic is simple: wherever millions of people congregate or frequent, chances are at least some of them will be interested in our network opportunity. So set up a shop at YouTube!
The good thing about YouTube is that you don’t even need to create your own videos to get started. You can actually begin by simply rating and commenting on those posted by others. You simply take part in a group and share your opinions. If you stand out as an objective commentator, this won’t go unnoticed. Some will trace your link (hopefully you left one!). But should you opt to create your own videos (which I strongly encourage), then start by doing really nice stuff, tidy videos. Pay close attention to lighting and audio of your videos. No one will waste their time watching grainy pictures or poor audio.
So edit your videos properly or get a knowledgeable person to do that for you. Your viewers will surely appreciate the extra effort you put into making your videos “tight”. Remember the numbers we cited above-millions of videos are uploaded unto YouTube every week. So if yours will be viewed, it must be good in some ways. No, it doesn’t have to be perfect.
For sure your video must include a link to your website-why else are you doing this! It is also smart to link your YouTube videos to other social networking sites like Facebook or Tweeter or MySpace. This is in fact the most interesting feature of YouTube. These links can extend the reach of your videos and get you noticed by potential leads. Please do not introduce your products here. Just promote yourself and make yourself likeable for now. Then leave a link to your website. Sell at your website. Do not underestimate the importance of the title you give your videos. Unless the title can attract attention, no one will get to know how great your videos really are (and I suppose your videos are great). So give them witty but honest titles: “exclusive video…” “Rare video of…” “Leaked video of…”, etc. You want a title that will grab attention.
Finally, in your video promotion, invite viewers to comment on your videos. This could provide you a great opportunity to engage viewer (and potential leads) in a conversation. Constructive comments and even objective criticism are useful. It could refine both you and your product. But do not hesitate to delete derogatory or downright malicious comments. So embrace the YouTube video marketing. With the right message in your YouTube videos, you are likely to create relationships and leads that will translate into profits with time. buy 4000 watch hours on youtube