If you work in a Call Center office, then you need a headset that will provide clear audio and reduce background noise so your callers can hear you clearly. The last thing you want is your callers hearing the kids playing in the next room, the family dog greeting the UPS driver or the sounds of power tools used by the yard service crew. To get the best sounding and most comfortable headset for a Call Center, consider one that has active noise cancelling capabilities, is lightweight and has a long battery life.
If your call center requires your team to be mobile around the workplace, choose a wireless headset that provides freedom and eliminates the risk of connection or sound issues. Look for a headset that has Bluetooth connectivity to allow you to seamlessly connect the headset with your smartphone, computer or other devices to make hands-free calls.
For comfort, opt for a headset with adjustable headbands and cushioned ear cups that fit snugly to reduce strain on the ears and neck during long periods of wear. Look for a headset that is light enough to ensure your agents can comfortably wear it for extended periods, as this can improve their productivity and call quality.
To minimize ambient sounds like typing and keyboard noises, choose a headset with effective noise cancellation and dual mic design. The Jabra Evolve 75 headset is popular with Call Center teams for its noise-canceling features, excellent microphone quality and long battery life. The Sennheiser Presence UC headset is another top choice for its HD voice clarity and intuitive controls that are easy for callers to use. The Yealink CS 550 IP headset is another option for its robust call center features, including an advanced DECT 6.0 technology that allows your team to roam up to 350 feet and maintain high-quality calls. best call center headset