A youtube playlist is a group of videos that you can link together to form one long video. They can be songs, tutorials, or any other type of video that you want to link together.
Playlists are a great way to organize your videos on YouTube and help viewers find the content they are looking for. You can also use them to promote your videos and drive more views and engagements. Playlists are also an important part of SEO as they can rank well in search results if you optimize them properly.
To create a youtube playlist, click on the + New Playlist button on your YouTube video manager page. This will open a pop-up where you can give your playlist a name and set its privacy settings. You can make your playlist Public so that anyone can view it or you can make it Private so that only you can access it. Once you have set your privacy settings, click Create.
Once you have created your playlist, you can edit it at any time by clicking the edit link on the video manager page and then the pencil icon on the video that you wish to edit. You can also reorder the videos by dragging and dropping them. The order of your playlist is important, as it determines which videos are seen first when a viewer clicks on your playlist in search results. It is best to place your most important and engaging videos at the top of the playlist so that they can get the most views and engagements.
The title and description of your playlist are also very important to optimizing it for search. Make sure to include keywords in the title and description of your playlist, as these will affect how it ranks in search results. This can help you reach a wider audience and grow your subscriber count. You can even include keywords in the names of your individual playlists, if they are relevant, to help them rank better.
Another way to improve your youtube playlist is by using video thumbnails. This will make your playlist more visually appealing and increase click through rates. You can also add captions to your playlist videos to further engage with your viewers.
Once you have optimized your youtube playlist, you can share it via social media, email, or a URL. You can also share a link to a specific video in your playlist by clicking the arrow on that particular video. Whenever you share a playlist, YouTube will generate a unique link for it that you can copy and paste into chat tabs or as a status update on your social channels. This makes it easy for anyone to view your youtube playlist, even if they do not have a YouTube account.