OISC or Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner is synonymous with immigration to the UK. It is an autonomous UK public organization that was set up under the Immigration and Asylum Act of 1999. The Immigration Services Commissioner is the one who manages the entire operations of this office. This office is accountable for all the work that UK immigration advisors do. The Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner ensures that good practice is totally followed in this domain and unscrupulous advisors are not able to take unfair advantage of people applying for immigration to the UK. For people looking to make a career in immigration advisory services OISC courses are a must for them.
The OISC or Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner carries out a lot of activities.
– It regulates immigration advisers of UK in agreement with its Code of Standards and Rules.
– It manages application processing for registration or indemnity from UK immigration advisers.
– It maintains and publishes the register of advisers.
– It promotes good practices by immigration UK consultants and advisers.
– It receives and handles complaints about UK immigration advisers.
– It takes criminal procedures against advisers that act illegally.
For anyone to make a career in UK immigration services they must be registered with OISC or exempted by this body.
When you go through OISC courses you take a step forward in being certified or exempted by OISC. Simply going through the courses doesn’t make you an authorized advisor. You are supposed to clear exams and assessments. This is when the body may decide to certify or exempt you. So, basically these courses make you ready to take up a career in UK immigration services as authorized by the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner. Without going through these courses you will find it extremely difficult to work under the strict rules and regulations that are associated with this immigration body.
OISC courses prepare you for three levels of Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner immigration services. Level 1 is the most basic level where you handle basic immigration applications. If there are any complications you are required to refer the case to a level 2 advisor. Level 2 is a higher level where you are allowed to appeal if any immigration application is rejected. Level 3 is the highest level where you can represent your client in court.
There are many accredited agencies that offer OISC courses. Some of these courses are extremely powerful and these are the ones you should concentrate on. Your job to select a proper course becomes easier when you visit the website of the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner and check whether the agency (whose course you are planning to go through) is accredited or not. And of course, the internet is always there to recommend the best courses related to UK immigration advisory services.
Spend some time on the OISC website and select one of the best known OISC courses. This is the best way to make a career in this field. real estate lawyer spain