These supplements consist of various things like whey protein, vitamins, creatine monohydrate etc.Most of the body builders take powdered protein consisting of vital building blocks for the muscles. This powdered protein is then mixed with water and is often available in market as a form of pudding or shake. Dieticians recommend this powder to be taken before and after the time of exercising or you can even take this in place of your meal. The logic behind taking protein is that it allows body to grow efficiently and helps in repairing muscle tissues.
The most common type of protein is whey protein. The absorption level of this protein by the body is very fast. It consists of all the high level amino acids and even branched amino acids. It is also having cysteine which is useful for the synthesis of glutathione which is best for providing immunity due to its immune improving properties. Casein protein consists of highest amount glutamine which is an amino acid that helps in recovering tissues and it also have casomorphin which is helpful in absorbing amino acids in body for long duration of time.
Soy protein has isoflavones in them which is a kind of phytoestrogen that contains weakest of estrogenic activities. Also egg white protein has lactose in it and is easily available as a dairy product. Even the hemp oil consists of high digestible proteins as well as the hemp oil is rich in fatty acids. But some experts says that protein shake is only for those who are not getting enough of it in their regular diet otherwise overdose of proteins will cause diarrhea, weight gain and kidney problems.
The proteins which are being consumed are then broken by the body in amino acids which are considered to be the building blocks of the proteins. These amino acids get stored in intestines and stomachs. Mainly three branches of amino acids are there;
valine, leucine and isoleucine. Each of these has various advantages and helps in the biological process of the body. BCAAs are not like other amino acids and these get metabolized in the muscles as well as have anti-catabolic and anabolic effects on muscles. The most common type of amino acids that is abundantly present in the human body is glutamine. huile cbd achat