A silver kiddush cup is the perfect addition to your Jewish home. The cup is used to hold wine or grape juice for the Sabbath and Jewish holidays. The word Kiddush means “sanctification” and it is a custom to use the cup to sanctify Shabbos, Jewish holidays, weddings, bar or bat mitzvahs and other special occasions with a ritual drink.
Kiddush is a beautiful Jewish tradition that combines prayer, blessing and song. It is recited over a glass of kosher wine or grape juice. The cup is then blessed and placed on a bencher or tray to catch any spills. This cup is then served to all the people present at the Seudat Mitzvah or other event. The people will take turns sipping from the cup and they will all recite the blessings.
It is important to remember that before saying Kiddush one must be sober and in full possession of their senses. If they have been drinking alcohol, smoking or taking drugs it is not valid to say the blessings and the act will be considered a sin. This is why it is very important to use only kosher wines for Kiddush.
This elegant sterling silver set includes a classicly designed Kiddush cup and plate. It is hand-made in Israel by a third generation artisan and ships directly from the maker. It would make a great gift for a new Bar or Bat Mitzvah, wedding, anniversary or any other Jewish lifecycle event. silver kiddush cup