Most paradigm shifts happen in increments, rather than one huge burst. The increments represent the micro-movements and changes within the cellular level. Like small twitches, little shifts occur that add up to huge change. While in the process of these micro-movements, the deep underlying change may not be totally apparent. And then you will notice a change in your behavior, a shift in your thought process or a totally new idea emerging. Sometimes these feel like a jerk inside your body, a realignment getting the internal mechanisms in accordance with your souls desires, the dreams of your heart and the flow of your essence. The inner movement or jerk lines up a pathway that unlocks the door to your essence and your authentic Self shines out for the world to witness.
This internal re-arrangement may also be triggered by the flow of higher frequency energy, which may lead to bigger jerks, spasms, twitches, strange movements, prickly energy, heat, cold, strange breathing patterns and other mysterious things. It is unique for each person and unique each time it happens. The key is to allow your body the safety and freedom to move as it wants. Find a safe place and let your body move. This is a continuous process, not a onetime event. When enough momentum has built up, a new paradigm emerges. The new reality for your life and for the world is created by minor changes, small twitches in your body and the accumulation of new neural connections. Once these small changes align, your internal streaming radiates out, shining the light of your soul into everyday life. promote your twitch for free