Vita Glow Skin Whitening Night Cream is a special product that works on your skin complexion and makes it fairer with natural ingredients. The main ingredients include Glutathione and Kojic acid that work together to promote skin health and generate a luminous effect on the skin. It also includes natural wax, Wheat Germ Oil, Jojoba oil that aids internal skin regeneration and lightening, Turmeric that helps in the fading of black spots and tanning, Sandalwood oil for lightening the skin tone, Kumkum that is famous for whitening and enhancing complexion, Neem, Curcumin that prevents sun burn and enhances the elasticity of the skin, Honey for its antibacterial properties, Bee Wax and Avocado which moisturize the skin and make it soft and supple.
This whitening cream is a safe solution for all the people who have sensitive skin. It is free from harsh chemicals and has been formulated with all the best ingredients that ensure no side effects or irritation. It also contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals that your skin needs to stay healthy.
The best part about this product is that it acts as a great skin whitener at night when your body is in rest mode. It helps your skin heal and regenerate itself after being harmed by pollution, dust, dirt and other external factors that damage the skin. The skin can renew itself when you sleep for 6 to 8 hours, but using this whitening cream accelerates this natural healing process and gives better results. The kojic acid in this whitening cream lightens the skin while removing tan and dark spots as well as acne scars and freckles. Vita Glow Skin Whitening Night Cream