The voiceover training category is perfect for students who are either looking to learn how to become a professional voice actor or are already in the industry and looking to take their skills to the next level. This section of the site contains courses that cover everything from the basics of preparing for an audition to learning how to effectively market your voiceover services.
If you’re an aspiring voice actor, it’s important to find a quiet place in your home that will be free from distractions when you are recording your work. Then, you’ll need to purchase a good-quality microphone and audio recording software, such as Audacity or Adobe Audition. Once you have these pieces of equipment, you can get started with your voiceover training.For example, this introductory course from professional voice actor MJ Christensen is an excellent place to start. The course covers topics like knowing your strengths, pushing your limits, and testing your skills in a studio setting. It’s a short course, but it covers a lot of ground and will give you the confidence to move forward with your career in voice acting.Those who want to take their voiceover acting skills to the next level should consider this advanced class from top NY casting director Lisa Fischoff. The course covers getting started and auditioning with a focus on character. It also touches on pacing and continuity. It’s a comprehensive and practical course that will prepare you to enter the world of audiobook narrating. This specialized branch of the voiceover acting industry is rapidly expanding, thanks to all of us listening to content on our phones while we’re running errands or riding the subway.