If your building has a rooftop water tank, it’s important to have it cleaned regularly. Unchecked, the tanks can become a spawning ground for algae and bacteria, which can cause bad smells or even health problems (such as Legionnaire’s Disease).
The best way to prevent these issues is through regular cleaning services. The professionals at these companies have the equipment and experience needed to clean your tanks safely and effectively. They can also help with other aspects of industrial water tank cleaning, such as deodorizing and scrubbing.
Begin by removing any clogs and sediment from the interior of the tank. This is usually done with a pressure washer, but you can also use a hand-held brush or rags. After scrubbing, rinse the interior of the tank with fresh water. Make sure to wash the bottom, sides, and top of the tank as well as the top cap.
Next, refill the tank with a solution of water and hypochlorite to bring it up to 10 parts per million. Let this solution sit in the tank for two hours. Rinse the interior of the tank again, and then fill it half-way with fresh, potable drinking water.
After the tank is clean and sanitized, run a coliform sample in the water supply lines. This will show that the cleaning process was successful and ensure that no bacterial contaminants were introduced during the clean-up. The results of the coliform sample can then be used to prove that the tank was cleaned and disinfected in accordance with NYC regulations. water tank cleaning services near me