A creative director’s job is to be the lead for a team of designers, artists and copywriters. They are responsible for bringing ideas to life, collaborating with departments and meeting deadlines. Creative directors need to have a broad knowledge of the various marketing platforms and know how to use technical software like Adobe Creative Suite.
Often, creative directors start their careers in an entry-level design or art role like graphic designer, illustrator, artist or copywriter. They will spend years building their portfolios and experience before they are ready to move into a creative director role. They need to have a strong work ethic and be able to communicate their vision clearly to their teams. They should also be able to make the difficult decisions when necessary.
Creative directors must balance the magical possibilities of a project with the constraints of time, budget and technical requirements. They will frequently be in meetings with clients and will spearhead team brainstorming sessions. They need to be able to create a roadmap of the process and ensure that it matches the goals and objectives of the client.
Creative directors aren’t only found at aesthetics-oriented brands such as Glossier and Goop; you can find them in the White House, Harvard Business School and even ad agencies. The creative director’s position has become so common that the title is essentially a meme. Many people aspire to become a creative director, but not everyone makes it. It takes a lot of talent, a great creative resume and plenty of management skills to get this role.